Like a land unto itself, the idyllic 20,000 acres of Montage Palmetto Bluff encompass a rich history, exquisite wilderness, and modern living with a deep nod to a heritage of renown, all harmonizing as graciously as the charm the South is famous for. Possessing all the natural beauty the Deep South can claim, the resort rises out of the sandy soil along the May River, amidst salt marshes, maritime forests, and Live and Red Oaks adorned with Spanish Moss. For a classic, southern escape, one need look no further, for Palmetto Bluff, conveniently placed between Hilton Head Island and Savannah, Georgia, offers all the life and luxury a connoisseur of life itself may wish for. Whether looking for a weekend escape, a holiday rental, or a new residence, Montage Palmetto Bluff has it all.
Like a land unto itself, the idyllic 20,000 acres of Montage Palmetto Bluff encompass a rich history, exquisite wilderness, and modern living with a deep nod to a heritage of renown, all harmonizing... Read More
With a recent, painstakingly undertaken, 100 million dollar renovation and expansion, the resort offers exquisitely appointed rooms and suites at the historically inspired Inn, as well as enchanting waterfront cottages and turnkey private residences. Parcels of land are for sale for those wishing to build for themselves, while every existing residence reflects the best of southern living, from screened porches to the elegant and even delicate design flourishes so particular to the southern heritage. A concept upheld throughout, the original architecture of the Inn, inspired by the Palmetto Bluff mansion of early 20th Century New York banker, Richard T. Wilson, was not only respected but emulated throughout the expansion, where not only his taste but his name was honored, as reflected in the name of the bustling Wilson Village.
With a recent, painstakingly undertaken, 100 million dollar renovation and expansion, the resort offers exquisitely appointed rooms and suites at the historically inspired Inn, as well as enchanting... Read More
Wilson Village, the host to musical events and culinary gatherings, cultural activities, shopping, and dining, lies nestled alongside the May River under ancient oak trees. Honoring the traditions of southern architecture, it provides a delightful experience as perhaps otherwise mundane errands are attended to under its gaslit streetlamps. Or should the aim be a day to remember, wander across the village green under the trees draped in tendrils of moss, to the May River Wedding Chapel for an intimate setting for the most precious of promises, followed by an elegant reception at the River House. With its magnificent Oak Ballroom, French doors open to the expansive veranda, it is the ultimate setting for a sophisticated day of joy and celebration in a village designed to impart a sense of heritage and tradition.
Wilson Village, the host to musical events and culinary gatherings, cultural activities, shopping, and dining, lies nestled alongside the May River under ancient oak trees. Honoring the traditions of... Read More
While the Inn and immediate surroundings boast everything from an octagon bar with lagoon views through multiple restaurants, bocca and tennis courts, spa and fitness center to a state of the art golf course, equestrian center, and miles of trails, it was all developed with a keen eye towards conservation and preservation. As early as 1937, the Palmetto Bluff was recognized as essential to conservation, and today over half of the 20,000 acres of the Bluff are protected, managed by Montage Palmetto Bluff Conservancy. A wildlife expert monitors the wellbeing of the resident wild animals, while an on-staff archaeologist ensures any found artifacts, some dated as early as 10,000 BC, are treated and researched appropriately. The massive expansion was conducted by The Athens Group, a company highly regarded for its sensitive development of environmentally delicate communities, and the resort at large reflects this philosophy at every turn.
While the Inn and immediate surroundings boast everything from an octagon bar with lagoon views through multiple restaurants, bocca and tennis courts, spa and fitness center to a state of the art... Read More
In the final analysis, life at the Montage Palmetto Bluff Resort is about more than a classic southern escape. It is about tradition and legacy, conservation and prudent foresight, a life lived graciously in the lap of luxury. For while guests and residents alike enjoy the state-of-the-art amenities found at every turn and in every accommodation, they may know that while they enjoy a life well-lived, they also support the delicate ecosystem in which they reside. As history is reflected in the design, so is nature preserved for the future. When they walk, bike, or ride the meandering trails through golden sweetgrass and admire the flight of eagles, the leaping deer, and hovering egret, when they sail and kayak the tidal creeks and encounter the playful dolphins, they may rejoice in knowing they are as much their neighbors, as they are their guardians.
In the final analysis, life at the Montage Palmetto Bluff Resort is about more than a classic southern escape. It is about tradition and legacy, conservation and prudent foresight, a life lived... Read More
Watch Video: Montage, Palmetto Bluff ... A Classic Southern Escape
Watch Video: Montage, Palmetto Bluff ... A Classic Southern Escape
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Montage Palmetto Bluff ... A Classic, Quintessential...By: Susannah Cord / Photographs Courtesy of Montage, Palmetto Bluff |
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Like a land unto itself, the idyllic 20,000 acres of Montage Palmetto Bluff encompass a rich history, exquisite wilderness, and modern living with a deep nod to a heritage of renown, all harmonizing as graciously as the charm the South is famous for. Possessing all the natural beauty the Deep South can claim, the resort rises out of the sandy soil along the May River, amidst salt marshes, maritime forests, and Live and Red Oaks adorned with Spanish Moss. For a classic, southern escape, one need look no further, for Palmetto Bluff, conveniently placed between Hilton Head Island and Savannah, Georgia, offers all the life and luxury a connoisseur of life itself may wish for. Whether looking for a weekend escape, a holiday rental, or a new residence, Montage Palmetto Bluff has it all. |
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With a recent, painstakingly undertaken, 100 million dollar renovation and expansion, the resort offers exquisitely appointed rooms and suites at the historically inspired Inn, as well as enchanting waterfront cottages and turnkey private residences. Parcels of land are for sale for those wishing to build for themselves, while every existing residence reflects the best of southern living, from screened porches to the elegant and even delicate design flourishes so particular to the southern heritage. A concept upheld throughout, the original architecture of the Inn, inspired by the Palmetto Bluff mansion of early 20th Century New York banker, Richard T. Wilson, was not only respected but emulated throughout the expansion, where not only his taste but his name was honored, as reflected in the name of the bustling Wilson Village. |
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Wilson Village, the host to musical events and culinary gatherings, cultural activities, shopping, and dining, lies nestled alongside the May River under ancient oak trees. Honoring the traditions of southern architecture, it provides a delightful experience as perhaps otherwise mundane errands are attended to under its gaslit streetlamps. Or should the aim be a day to remember, wander across the village green under the trees draped in tendrils of moss, to the May River Wedding Chapel for an intimate setting for the most precious of promises, followed by an elegant reception at the River House. With its magnificent Oak Ballroom, French doors open to the expansive veranda, it is the ultimate setting for a sophisticated day of joy and celebration in a village designed to impart a sense of heritage and tradition. |
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While the Inn and immediate surroundings boast everything from an octagon bar with lagoon views through multiple restaurants, bocca and tennis courts, spa and fitness center to a state of the art golf course, equestrian center, and miles of trails, it was all developed with a keen eye towards conservation and preservation. As early as 1937, the Palmetto Bluff was recognized as essential to conservation, and today over half of the 20,000 acres of the Bluff are protected, managed by Montage Palmetto Bluff Conservancy. A wildlife expert monitors the wellbeing of the resident wild animals, while an on-staff archaeologist ensures any found artifacts, some dated as early as 10,000 BC, are treated and researched appropriately. The massive expansion was conducted by The Athens Group, a company highly regarded for its sensitive development of environmentally delicate communities, and the resort at large reflects this philosophy at every turn. |
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In the final analysis, life at the Montage Palmetto Bluff Resort is about more than a classic southern escape. It is about tradition and legacy, conservation and prudent foresight, a life lived graciously in the lap of luxury. For while guests and residents alike enjoy the state-of-the-art amenities found at every turn and in every accommodation, they may know that while they enjoy a life well-lived, they also support the delicate ecosystem in which they reside. As history is reflected in the design, so is nature preserved for the future. When they walk, bike, or ride the meandering trails through golden sweetgrass and admire the flight of eagles, the leaping deer, and hovering egret, when they sail and kayak the tidal creeks and encounter the playful dolphins, they may rejoice in knowing they are as much their neighbors, as they are their guardians. |
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Watch Video: Montage, Palmetto Bluff ... A Classic Southern Escape |